

New Poster: “Want to Live in a Place Where God’s Law Is Supreme? Move to Somalia.””

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It’s a seductive idea, isn’t? Implement God’s law in the country where you live. And then everyone will have to live the way you—I mean God—thinks they should. The tricky bit comes when other people show up with their God, and their law. And they’re very sure that you should live the way their God says you should. And that doesn’t feel good at all.

If you want to see a really ugly example of a country where the only law that anyone is even trying to implement is God’s law, take a look at Somalia. There’s no government. There’s no structure. And the legal ideas they have come from a 1400-year-old-document, now being enforced by heroin-zonked 28-year-old warlord.

If you live in America, where God’s law is not the law, you should get down on your knees and thank God for that.

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Meet The Real Grinch


HR 3261, also called the “SOPA” bill, will make radical changes to the freedom that you now experience on the Internet. In a nutshell, it will take power away from the people and hand it over to a small group of powerful entities, like Rupert Murdoch and others of his ilk.

Supporters of this bill say that it is intended to curtail industrial-level copyright infringement in places like China, and that the new law would never be used against individuals. If that is the case, the bill should be rewritten to reflect that. At the end of the day, only what’s written counts.

America, Conservative, Healthcare, Rape, Republican

No American Sharia

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There’s a wave of legislative attacks on women’s rights happening right now. The current move by a small group of older males to seize control of the lives and sexuality of all women is gathering force, and the intent is as ugly as that of any Bronze Age patriarch.

OHIO: Republicans are launching five separate bills aimed at restricting access to abortions, including a controversial measure banning the procedure as early as six weeks after conception.” One proposed law would outlaw abortions from the moment a fetus’ heartbeat is detected.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Legislation seeks to redefine the definition of “justifiable homicide” to the defense of an “unborn child.” Abortion-rights advocates immediately described the pending statute as “an invitation to murder abortion providers.”

IOWA: A panel of the state House Human Resources Committee approved language that would criminalize doctors who perform abortions.

FLORIDA: An ordained minister, who is also a Republican lawmaker, has introduced the Florida For Life Act, which seeks to outlaw most abortions.

MONTANA, OKLAHOMA, FLORIDA, TEXAS, IOWA, NORTH DAKOTA: New “personhood” bills define “personhood” at a fetus’s earliest moments – even earlier than the current test set forth by the Supreme Court.

NATIONAL: One bill would prevent women from purchasing insurance that includes abortion coverage in the new insurance exchanges even if they’re using their own money. This kind of restriction could lead to insurance companies dropping abortion coverage entirely. The same bill would also levy a special tax on small businesses and individuals who purchase insurance coverage that includes abortion. Another bill would, incredibly, allow hospitals to turn away a woman seeking an abortion, even if she’ll die without it—a major change from current law.

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